The name of the Association shall be the Lancashire County Senior Ladies’ Golf Association (L.C.S.L.G.A.).
The Aims of the Association shall be:
• To provide and administer golfing events for amateur lady golfers who are 50 years of age and over.
• To organise and run a County championship and other golf matches and competitions.
• To be affiliated to the Northern Counties Veteran Ladies Golf Association (N.C.V.L.G.A.) and to select and organise a team to compete in the Richardson Trophy.
Full Membership is open to any amateur lady golfer who:
• is or will become aged 50 years or over in the current year
• is a playing member of a recognised Lancashire Golf Club with a competition handicap
Membership applications shall be subject to the approval of the Committee
New Members will not be entitled to play in any match or competition until they reach 50 years of age.
Any lady who has been a Full Member may elect to become a Non-Playing Associate Member. The annual subscription of an Associate Member shall be one half of that of a Full Member.
All individual members of the Association (including Associate Members) are entitled to vote at a General Meeting.
Membership Year and Subscriptions
The Membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Renewal subscriptions are due by 31st December of the current year to cover the next year.
The Annual Subscription for a Full Member shall be set by the Committee.
The Association shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers of the Association, the Divisional Representatives and the Website Administrator.
The Officers of the Association shall consist of the President, Captain, Vice-Captain, Immediate Past Captain, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Competition Co-ordinator.
Divisional Representatives: To administer golf events the County is divided into four Divisions and where possible two representatives from each Division sit on the Committee.
The President will be nominated by the Past Presidents and shall hold office for a period of two years.
The Vice-Captain will be nominated annually by the Past Captains and will be nominated for Captain in the following year.
When it is Lancashire’s turn to nominate the President or Captain of the N.C.V.L.G.A. they will be nominated by the Past Presidents and Past Captains of the L.C.S.L.G.A. and the Lancashire Past Presidents and Past Captains of the N.C.V.L.G.A. A meeting of the above will be called and chaired by the Captain.
Apart from the President, Captain, Vice-Captain and Immediate Past Captain all Other Officers and Committee Members may be nominated by any member of the Association. They shall hold office for up to three years and on retirement shall be eligible for re-election.
Committee members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. If the number of nominations for Committee positions exceeds the number of vacancies then a paper ballot will be held at the Annual General meeting.
The Committee may fill any vacancies in the Committee occurring after the Annual General Meeting. Members so co-opted shall hold office only until the next Annual General Meeting when they will become eligible for election. Such co-opted Committee members shall have voting rights at Committee meetings.
The Committee may invite additional members to attend committee meetings to assist in the management of the Association. Such members will have no voting rights at Committee meetings.
The Committee may, without reference to a General Meeting, set and make alterations to Competition Rules.
The Committee may, without reference to a General Meeting, set and make alterations to operating policies, banking, insurance and other arrangements which are lawful and which help fulfil the Aims of the Association.
The Chair at all meetings of the Association will be taken by the Captain, or in her absence the Immediate Past Captain or a member of the Committee elected before proceeding with the business of the meeting. The Chair shall have the casting vote.
Eight voting members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
Annual General Meeting
The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting in November or December of each year.
The business of the AGM shall include:-
• Confirming minutes of previous AGM
• Captain's report on activities over the year
• Hon. Treasurer's report and agreement of statement of the Accounts
• Election of Officers and Committee
• Any other Business
The quorum for all General Meetings shall be 40 members.
Fourteen days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent in writing or by email to each member of the Association.
Nominations for Officials and Committee Members, with names of proposer and seconder, must be sent to the Hon. Secretary, in writing, by 30th September in any year.
Propositions for the Annual General Meeting, with names of proposer and seconder, must be sent to the Hon. Secretary, in writing, by 1st September in any year.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee or at the request of at least 10% of members of the Association from across at least 10% of Clubs. Such meeting shall be convened by the Hon. Secretary giving at least fourteen days’ notice to members together with notice of the business to be discussed.
Any money obtained by the Association shall be used only for the Association.
Any bank accounts opened for the Association shall be in the name of the Association.
The financial year shall end on 31st October.
Any changes to these Rules must be agreed by at least two-thirds of those members present and voting at a General Meeting. No alterations to rules shall be made at any General Meeting unless details of the proposed changes have been given in the notice convening the meeting.
In the event of any dispute arising as to the interpretation of the Rules, the interpretation of the Committee shall be final.
These Rules were approved at the LCSLGA AGM on 6th December 2019
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